Energy coaching to polish your mastery, align & radiate your being
Consciously connect to infinite you
Energy coaching to polish your mastery, align & radiate your being
Consciously connect to infinite you
Consciously connect to infinite you
Consciously connect to infinite you
Please book a free 1 hour session with me via Zoom. No obligation. We can discuss and feel, sense, see, and know your needs. I'll give you a direct experience of how I am called to be in service to you and ALL, if that is in divine ideal for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of ALL.
May The Light, love, wisdom, power and will of the Universe be ideal for you in every divine now moment.
May The Light, love, wisdom, power and will of the Universe keep you and your family safe and well, as is divine ideal.
May The Light, love, wisdom, power and will of the Universe ease and grace your experience in the way that is ideal for you now and in every NOW moment.
I AM aligned and surrendered to divine will.
I AM able to support and assist you to let go of thoughts, behaviors and energies that undermine you; release programming and patterns that hold you back; connect to your full potential which already exists and can be realised.
I AM here to assist you to a renewed, fulfilled and energized state of being so you can masterfully radiate your light, for your wellbeing and the well being of all.
I AM here as a convenor of Light, Love, Will, Wisdom and Power so you may directly experience working with your own energy, releasing and moving, clearing and polishing your field so your own true pure essence radiates!
You, Consciousness, and God, and Earth are One. You are the Light Divine. You are love divine. You are will divine. You are wisdom divine. You are power divine. You are divine design. You are the destination. You are already here.
When you clear and change your perception and sub-conscious mind, clear and align your energy field to the flow of universal energy, your Way becomes clear and highly visible and you become able to fully align to amazing infinite you. You become your own energy coach.
Working with energy in a multi-dimensional practical and experiential way can help you by: unlocking stuck thinking; releasing old ways of reacting; clearing thought forms from your energy field; transmuting ingrained patterns which no longer serve you.
By remembering how to engage with your own energy field, the fields of others, and the Quantum and other fields around you, you become a masterful multi-dimensional being.
My role in our work together is to empower you, so that you can manage your own energy system and spiritual development, by receiving direct guidance. Working with tools, given at the ideal time for your development, so you may progress your spiritual development. There is no ‘where’ to get to. You are already ‘here’. You are already complete. But do you realise this?
The multidimensional experiences I convene are co-created with you and Source (the Divine, God) and etheric guides and are to help you to remember who you really are…along the way raising your own vibration and establishing flow in your individual (and by extension, our collective) energy system. This work is done with guidance, permission and in complete connection with many consciousness’s and with the divine Source (cosmic consciousness/God/Divine).
We work together with ancient wisdom, and emerging spiritual technology/science to rebalance and remember the unity and harmony that is our conscious way of BEing.
The focused intention of our work is for you to ‘fully live and manifest your soul’s being’.
This sacred work is my soul’s mission. We co-conduct the work with and in complete partnership with Source, your team in spirit of the highest Light and resonance, and within the sacred heart space of unconditional love.
I am honoured to help you. You are a great gift to us All which I, Source and your guides, will assist you to realise and live. You are already complete, but you may have forgotten this, or hidden it under layers of programming. You already realise that there is more to you and…you know there are things keeping you from re-membering and being all of who you really are. Together we can resolve, rebalance, re-member, cleanse, clear and harmonize your energy system and align you again to your true essence and fully energize you as you travel your path.
Copyright © 2020 Lorna A Collins - All Rights Reserved.